Kurokawa from Challengers, contrasted with flamboyantly gay American Rick.Everybody, even the readers, is taken by surprise when they find out.
Masculine≯eminine Gay Couple occurs when his lover is more feminine than him. Manly Gay can overlap with Straight Gay depending on the context, but Manly Gay is more entangled with old stereotypes about gay men. Also compare Armored Closet Gay and The Whitest Black Guy. Arguably a Spear Counterpart to Lipstick Lesbian, though the 'Chapstick' type (not particularly butch or femme) mentioned in its description fits more under this trope. May be associated with Have I Mentioned I Am Gay? in cases where the writing isn't nuanced enough to support a gay character sans constant explanations. The trope itself isn't necessarily harmful, but applying it to real people can be. Gay men exhibiting masculine tendencies or preferring masculine hobbies isn't necessarily a problem it's when it is used to vocally differentiate the individual from ' those gays' that it becomes an issue. In some cases � especially Soap Operas � this may be because of the writers changing their minds about an originally heterosexual character.Ī lot of gay people object to the term itself (especially with the term Straight-Acting), arguing that gender presentation and sexual orientation are unrelated, and that the term is unnecessarily divisive.